Wenniger Cottage Art Gallery Shop
Mary Ann enjoying working in her studio.
Fire Sale
Due to the recent fire in my home and print gallery where I work, I am forced to have a fire sale. My workspace was a complete loss, but fortunately, I was able to save many of my prints and collagraphs.
Most of the work on this website is still available along with many other works that are not shown here. So don't hesitate to contact me for information and new pricing on my work.
Come See My Work at the Festival By The Sea Manchester, MA Sat, August 3, 2024 10 am - 4 pm
Please contact me at 978-502-5193 for information.
Mary Ann de Buy Wenniger
As a professional collagraph printmaker, my imagery is narrative; I tell my stories. Each moment I treasure is memorialized in a one-of-a-kind Collagraph.
With 40 years of expertise as a gallerist and connoiseur to help you realize good value.
A collagraph is a collage of materials of various textures glued onto a printing base (plate),
then inked and transferred to rag paper by means of an intaglio press.
Each collagraph of mine is handmade, one of a kind, and uniquely colored with oil paints
and then put through the press to create a collagraph exclusively yours.
Collagraph Printmaking Apron Series
Watch as I demonstrate in my home studio.
The Aprons with Attitude is a series of painterly prints on paper. It is a culmination of many years of experimentation in the medium and ideas. I soaked real aprons in polymer medium mixed with gesso and marble paste to create my prints on paper, this is not wearable art.
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" I let my intuition, the all encompassing inner voice guide my work."
A Sampling of my Work Collagraphs Encaustics Oil Paintings
PoppyMedium - Stone Lithography (Rare for me)Size - 23" x 18"Price - $800
Poppies are my favorite flower. It came up faithfully in our Manchester Massachusetts garden. Mace photographed me drawing on our ancient lithographic stone sitting right in the middle of the poppy patch even though the wind was blowing fiercely. You see the result. But making a stone litho is arduous. This piece has also been printed on the handmade paper I made after my trip to Japan to learn papermaking.
Poppies are my favorite flower. It came up faithfully in our Manchester Massachusetts garden. Mace photographed me drawing on our ancient lithographic stone sitting right in the middle of the poppy patch even though the wind was blowing fiercely. You see the result. But making a stone litho is arduous. This piece has also been printed on the handmade paper I made after my trip to Japan to learn papermaking.
Route 97 Autumn BlissMedium - Oil on canvasSize - 30" x 15"Price - $2,000
My oil paintings vary in subject and the type of surface I paint on.
On a late October afternoon as cars whizzed by, I painted as if my life depended on it. Actually, at home, my husband was dying and I had taken time off to refresh. This is one of my favorite pass roads on my way to nearby Topsfield. There was a haunting quality, no matter what the season because the trucks were no longer in the barn. All signs of past people had disappeared. I ended the afternoon using my plastic gloves as paintbrushes because I could work quickly. It always reminds me of mud pies playing in the mud.
Line Dancing
Medium - Collagraph
Size - 28" x 20"
Price - $1200
The clothesline is a recurring theme in Wenniger collagraphs, recalling nostalgic ideas of family activities and chores, who did what and when, and was it fun or a burden. Since I was a teenager and took down clothes, I’ve loved the freshness and energy of clothes on the line.
Low Tide Medium - Encaustic on prepared woodSize - 12"x 9"Price $350
Encaustic paintings involve different waxes to which colored pigments have been added. The hot mixture is applied to a carefully-prepared surface of wood covered with gesso. Then a heat torch is applied to the top layer to fuse and melt one layer into another creating a permanent finish.
Bakers Light on Bakers IslandMedium - CollagraphSize 9 ¼ X 11 ¼Price $600
Bakers island was not very far from a harbor where we lived 50 years ago. It's a privately owned island by the Bakers. A funny story, a guy came to our back door in Manchester and held up some keys and said "did you lose some keys?" and I said no, but who are you?It turned out he was the lighthouse keeper. We called the lighthouse horn, Mrs. Baker’s cow.
Bakers island was not very far from a harbor where we lived 50 years ago. It's a privately owned island by the Bakers. A funny story, a guy came to our back door in Manchester and held up some keys and said "did you lose some keys?" and I said no, but who are you?It turned out he was the lighthouse keeper. We called the lighthouse horn, Mrs. Baker’s cow.
Golden Time
Medium Collagraph
Size - 24" x 18"
Price - $600
All-season landscapes. These are my impressions as I have lived through seasons here in New England.; Summer beaches and flower gardens, Fall walking through the woods using real bark to make trees on my plates, Winter icy branches, and stunning sunsets, and Spring grasses and flowers full of light and color. Sometimes as recently as today I would pick some buds or tiny blossoms and add them to a plate.
Happy Go LuckyMedium - Collagraph, Chine ColleSize 21" x 29"Price $2500
I pictured a person feeling so fully alive that she or he kicked up in the air and laughed out loud. The flowers are artificial, but personify a let go and have fun attitude. Happy Go Lucky, one of the many aprons in my series.
I pictured a person feeling so fully alive that she or he kicked up in the air and laughed out loud. The flowers are artificial, but personify a let go and have fun attitude. Happy Go Lucky, one of the many aprons in my series.
Clothing & Vestments
My DarlingMedium - Collagraph with Chine ColleSize - 30" x 23"Price $1200
My friend was standing at the door with her little girls party dress. It was made by her mother who had just learned smocking. To achieve the charm of the original dress I added japanese paper in chine-collé tehnique as it went through the press, a rather complicated process.
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